What are the types of link?

Links can be implemented in a number of different ways and can take different forms. These are some of the different types of links you'll find on the web. Commercial anchor text links from external websites are one of the primary ways some search engines detect link manipulation, and this can negatively affect a website or cause penalization. It is possible to use JavaScript links, however, they are not always crawlable by search engines, so it is recommended to use HTML links on pages that are indexable.

This will ensure that search engines can easily crawl the content of the page. Nofollow links can be used to prevent search engines from accessing pages that are essentially a waste of time, which is useful for improving a site's crawl budget. Without the use of nofollow, search engine robots will try to follow all internal links on a site. Reducing the number of low-value pages robots need to crawl will increase the chances that higher-value content will be crawled more frequently.

Webmasters can use rel%3d nofollow to indicate to search engine crawlers that a particular link should not pass any value to other pages and that it should be ignored from a discovery and fairness perspective. Nofollow tags are a webmaster's way of preventing robots from following links on a specific page or on specific links by using the code snippets provided below. In addition, all links marked with nofollow, sponsored, or ugc are now treated as suggestions regarding which links to consider in searching and when crawling, rather than just a signal, as was previously used for nofollow. You can learn more about this update in our publication, which also covers the impact of these, along with expert information.

As expected, there are many types of links, each with its contribution to SEO. In general, it is useful to analyze both the technical aspects of a link (for technical SEO) and its non-technical aspects (for link building). It is important to have a good understanding of the types of links that can be created, as well as an understanding of the technical aspects of links. This will give you a solid foundation for you to assess the value of different types of links and determine which ones are best for you.

These types of links can carry the same weight as the editorial links you didn't ask for, but they have the slight disadvantage that you have to work hard to get them. For example, you can create an industry survey and promote it to journalists who find the ideas interesting enough to write about and link to them. This is an example of a link given by an publisher, but you have actively promoted the content to the journalist. Although this is not always the case, these types of links tend to be from sources that are of low quality and, in general, they are the ones that Google does not want to tell.

That's because they're created by you and you're supporting yourself, which isn't what Google is looking for when it comes to figuring out which websites deserve to rank better. Because these links are not given editorially, they have a lower inherent weight than other types of links. In the past, they have been useful for some SEOs working on certain websites, but now you need to be very careful in their implementation. Many techniques like these are the ones that Google has attacked over the years and websites have been penalized for exaggerating.

The types of links you choose to follow with your strategy should depend on your existing link profile, but in general, you should avoid links that are not provided editorially. Instead, you should focus on tactics that will provide you with editorial links that add value to your website and business. If you want to quickly identify if a link uses the nofollow attribute or not, you can do so using MozBar, which will automatically highlight this type of link on any page. In HTML, link types indicate the relationship between two documents, where one links to the other through an element,, or.

Backlinks Backlinks, or outbound links, are one of the most effective types of links to improve the ranking of your page. If you notice that you have many of these types of links pointing to your site, it may be worth going through a link audit. Now that we've discussed different types of backlinks, there's actually another category of backlinks that breaks them down into follow and nofollow. Below you will find 50 different types of links that you should win for your business or customers, as well as strategies for acquiring them.

Keep in mind that there is no easy way to create links and not every type of link will make sense for every type of business. Another type of rel link commonly used in SEO is the hreflang tag, which is used to serve alternative language versions of a page for international websites. Here are 50 different types of links you should win for your business or customers, as well as strategies for acquiring them. .


Nikki Gleisner
Nikki Gleisner

General tv ninja. Freelance web lover. Freelance food aficionado. Passionate music maven. Subtly charming travel lover. Subtly charming coffee fan.